How to treat psoriasis on the body?

How to treat psoriasis on body

The scientists say that in recent years psoriasis on the body is more often than before. The disease is a chronic inflammatory process accompanied by important lesions on the skin red rash in the form of panels and papules. Unfortunately, to completely get rid of the disease no one can. Originating once, the disease carries a man a lifetime, periodically flaring up with new force. How to treat psoriasis on the body and what tools to use to be considered in detail.

Feature of pathology is its individual nature and the fact that every patient's psoriasis is manifested in different ways. Often cause rashes remain unresolved, and all, what is even this, that physicians can focus on the maximum reduction of symptoms of the disease.

What is psoriasis and why it occurs

Disease refers to non-communicable diseases, associated with cutaneous dermatosis. Due to the different circumstances of the persons, which can hinder normal process of skin cell division. A person who in the normal condition, the update layer of the dermis takes place over 25-30 days. In psoriasis, this time limit may be reduced to 5 days. This process causes the loss of connections between cells of the skin, its roughness, separation and rejection. The skin began to appear plates and papules, usually bright red or pink color.

What appears psoriasis on the body? Scientists can not give a definite answer to the cause of development of psoriasis. None of the existing theories is not approved and has not been formally proven. There are only assumptions on the basis of which you can highlight some of the causes of the disease. So, what appears psoriasis on the body, to find out more:

  • metabolic process of the dermis and of the entire organism;
  • unstable hormones. Can occur due to disruption of the endocrine system;
  • hypothermia and frequent infectious disease;
  • the weakening of the immune system;
  • frequent mechanical damage, as well as the impact of chemical substances;
  • often rashes can occur on the background of psychosomatic disorders;
  • the consumption of alcohol and certain drugs, and more.
Stages and symptoms of psoriasis

Stages and symptoms of psoriasis

The manifestations of the disease always depend on the stage of the course of the disease. Next, let us consider the main stages of the disease and characteristic symptoms for each of them.

Progressive stage

The so-called form of disease, with its first manifestation, or at the next exacerbation. This phase is characterized by the emergence of a large number of psoriatic patches which increase in size and accompanied by severe inflammation. Also present intolerable sensation, itching, skin hurts to peel off. The patient experiences severe discomfort.

The rate of inpatient treatment

Here the panels are shaped with a lower intensity, but about the cleaning issue. The rash takes the patient all the same discomfort, the itch, the skin is irritating and painful. Papules continue to grow and merge into one large lesion. Plates densely covered with whitish scales.

Phase of the regression

Also this phase is called the phase of treatment. The growth of papules is stopped, the skin gradually starts to clear. Leaves redness of the skin, which means reduction of inflammation. It is very important in improving the condition of the patient not to stop treatment. Here all the efforts are directed at the prevention of recurrence and full recovery of the skin.

The type of disease — the photo looks like psoriasis on the body

Types of pathology is quite a lot. Each has its own characteristics and severity of the disease. Next, we consider the main types of psoriasis on the body.

Tabula informibus psoriasis

One of the most common types of disease. It is found in more than 80% of all patients. His second name vulgaris or psoriasis vulgaris. Typical manifestations is the formation of stains on the body, protruding above the surface of the skin, a few millimeters. They have a red or pink color and covered with white or grey scales. The affected skin is itchy and easily damaged.

The Teardrop

For injuries that are arranged randomly in the form of drops. This type can appear on any area of the skin in both adults and adolescents. The size of the damage can be very varied, from the size of a pea, to very large lesions, with the diameter of the egg. In the initial phase, the plates may be small, but with the development of the disease their number increases. Gradually, the rash may cover the whole body.

The inverse (psoriasis flexor surfaces)

Out psoriatic lesions more smooth than for other types. The Peeling in this form is absent or minimally expressed. The location of the panels is mostly in the wrinkles of the skin. Other parts of the body do not suffer. Most often the rash appears in the armpits, in the groin, in women, under the Breasts, on the inner side of the thighs. Deteriorated due to illness in the summer months, as there is active sweat glands. Sweat elicit a favourable environment for the pathogenic organisms.


Is the most severe form of the disease. With this form on the patient's body to pop the bubbles with a transparent liquid, protruding above the surface of the skin, a few millimeters. Such blisters called pustules, hence the name. The skin in places of rash becomes red, inflamed and painful. Usually the pustules are localized on the upper and lower extremities in more severe cases, the rash can spread throughout the body, forming one large lesion.

Nail psoriasis

In medical practice this type of call onihodistrofiya. Here the impact of the nail plate, the distortion and separation from the body of the finger. The disease quickly spread to healthy nails and skin. Improper treatment or lack of, can remain scars for life.

Erythrodermic psoriasis

The main symptom is detachment of skin lesions, a strong roughness of the skin, inflammation of the dermis and its layers. Here also present symptoms such as itching, swelling, peeling, redness and the development of inflammation.

Often in this form, they can cause poisoning of the blood, which leads to the serious health condition of the patient and even death.

Psoriatic arthritis

In addition to the injuries on the body of the pathology, causes inflammation of the joints. Patient who have severe pain in the joints and muscles. Most often in fingers and lower extremities. Phalanx can increase in size and seemed to swell. Delayed treatment of the disease often leads to disability.

Basic principles of treatment of psoriasis on the body

So, how to treat psoriasis on the body? Most often the treatment of a disease, which starts with the use of the funds earmarked for local use. Special medications in the form of ointments, creams, lotions and sprays applied to the skin in areas of damage. In the milder forms of the disease the use of individual drugs in the more severe forms of this drug use of a combined operation.

Brown rough skin doctors recommended to eliminate with a special emollient cream. Ointment for psoriasis on the body is applied in thick layers, it helps to soften the dead skin layer of the dermis, m the purpose of the expedition.

If you want to be treatment of psoriasis on the body and medicine in pathology doctor needs exclusively. Often professionals practice hormonal, non-hormonal ointments and medicines in the composition with vitamin D3.

Basic principles of treatment of psoriasis on the body

Along with the treatment with the use of synthetic drugs, which are commonly used methods, such as ultrasound treatment. In medical practice this type of treatment, which is also called light treatment. This procedure is very safe and effective way.

Psoriasis of the scalp it is also used medicated shampoos, gels and masks. For the management of diseases of the scalp is quite difficult because hair is a barrier to entry in the therapeutic component.

The use of drugs

Cure for psoriasis on body should be appointed exclusively by the specialist. Do not self medicate. The patient can easily confuse psoriasis with other skin diseases, for the treatment and not what you need.

Medications from psoriasis on the body are divided into the following groups:

  1. Corticosteroids. These funds have a strong effect, but it is a great disadvantage is the many side effects. They should be used strictly on prescription.
  2. Medications with vitamin D3 in the composition. Vitamins are essential in the treatment of this disease. Saturate the body with magnesium, zinc, potassium helps to restore the immune system and promotes healing of the skin.
  3. Tar preparations. This product is included in Soaps, shampoos, ointments and gels. Get rid of the disease used juniper, pine and birch tar.
  4. Complications in the use of local resources is not enough. In such cases, doctors inject the treatment phototherapy, laser treatment and other types of physical therapy.

    The role of traditional medicine

    Next, look at how to treat psoriasis on the body traditional methods. For this purpose, the commonly used ointments are the domestic and the variety of tools based on herbs. Consider a few effective recipes, how to treat psoriasis on the body in the home.

    Flax seeds for skin cleansing

    For the preparation of a medicinal product must be placed in a thermos 1 l 2 tbsp. l. flax seeds and bay with boiling water, tightly close the lid. Infuse the mixture for at least 10 hours. The use of the tincture should be in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.

    Flax seeds for skin cleansing

    The soda treatment

    The affected skin is recommended to wipe 5-6 times a day with a solution of ordinary baking soda. If you want to do this in a glass of lukewarm water should dissolve 2 teaspoons of baking soda. In the solution to dampen a cotton pad and carefully handle plaque.

    Onion poultice

    For the preparation of medicines you need to take the onion and finely chop. The resulting mixture is wrapped in gauze and apply to 20-30 minutes to injury. Treatment should be continued until clean.

    Treatment of psoriasis the body is a complex and lengthy process. Success can only be achieved with the processing of your health, with due care and applying the necessary effort.